Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures

An exceedance shall be declared when any of these conditions are or might be reached: a) a person exceeds 60 hours of working in a rolling seven-day period. This shall be classed as a level 1 exceedance. b) a person exceeds 72 hours of working in a rolling seven-day period. This shall be classed as a level 2 exceedance. c) a person receives less than 12 hours break between booking off from their shift / period of duty and booking on for their next shift / period of duty. d) a person works more than 12 hours in one shift or period of duty. e) a person works more than 13 consecutive turns of duty in 14 rolling days. f) a person exceeds 14 hours door to door. The functional head shall nominate responsible persons within their organisation to 10. manage exceedances on their behalf. a. No more than 12 hours will be worked per shift b. No more than 72 hours will be worked in any 7 day period c. A minimum of 12 hours rest between shifts d. No more than 13 periods of shift will be worked in any 14 day pattern. 11. Where rosters are amended in response to short-notice changes to work requirements, these shall be made in accordance with good practice roster design to minimise the build-up of fatigue. A risk assessment for exceedances and short notice shift changes will be completed. 12. The rosters will be assessed on a four weekly basis. 13. The number of exceedances shall be monitored and reported on a period basis with the aim of minimising the occurrences of exceedances. This process shall include: - a. Compilation of period reports on the number of exceedances that occur, including references to causes; b. Monitoring of exceedances per individual to identify where particular individuals may persistently exceed working time limits (including working more than 60 hours per week); c. Agreement of actions plans with senior managers to limit the number of exceedances where applicable; d. Reviewing the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented when exceedances have been incurred. 14. When an employee is believed to be unfit due to fatigue a senior manager will prevent the employee from carrying out or continuing to carry out safety critical work activates. The reason for the fatigue shall be established so far as is reasonably practicable so as to prevent future occurrences. Any control measures that need to be addressed will be implemented before the employee returns to work. 15. If an individual works 60 or more hours but less than 72 in a rolling 7 day period, this will be recorded as a level 1 exceedance. Where the assessed fatigue risk is not identified as high, the responsible person shall decide whether to allow further work to be undertaken with this mitigation applied to affected staff: a) safety critical duties shall be confined to a minimum or additional supervision shall be provided for those affected staff; and b) affected staff shall not be nominated for driving. The functional head shall review this information and inform the responsible person whether they are satisfied that the fatigue risk associated with the individual is being effectively managed. 16. If an individual works 72 hours or more in any rolling 7-day period, this shall be recorded as a level 2 exceedance. If a level 2 exceedance is identified or foreseen, the responsible person shall arrange for the affected individual(s) to:

Fatigue Policy: 24-06-24 Registered Office: Unit 2A Longrock Industrial Estate, Penzance, Cornwall. TR20 8HX Company Reg. No. 04124350 VAT Reg. No. 684598666 UTR No. 24386 09541

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