Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures

FATIGUE POLICY The objective of this policy is to minimise the risk to health and safety that are associated with working patterns, shift work and excessive working hours. This policy is for all employees and contractors working for Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Limited. The aim of the guidance is to: - 1. ensure a safe and healthy working environment free of work-related injury or illness; 2. minimise the risks of persons presenting for work or conducting work while impaired; 3. establish appropriate steps to manage persons who are effected by fatigue; and 4. encourage persons affected by fatigue to seek assistance. Fatigue related impairment is considered an identifiable workplace hazard. Like any hazard, the control measures for managing fatigue risks are based on sound principles. The most effective means to manage fatigue is to have adequate restorative sleep. A person’s fitness for duty may be compromised by: 1. spending long periods of time awake; 2. inadequate or insufficient quality of sleep over an extended period; 9. the use of drugs (prescription, non-prescription, illicit or other); 10. their general level of fitness and/or medical condition; and 11. stress. Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Limited will:- 1. require everyone on site to be fit for duty and perform their duties without imposing risks to the health and safety of themselves, others or to the safety of plant; 2. prevent or minimise the effects caused by a fatigue related incident; 3. maintain the privacy and confidentiality of those participating in fatigue management programs; 4. carry out fatigue risk assessments (FRI) 5. All of the works that are required to do will be planned in accordance with the information supplied by the main contractor on site. 6. All hours will be analysed and include transport to and from site. Error and incident data will be analysed alongside this to identify trends. This also includes sickness and absence data. a. Hours will be assessed by the vehicle tracking system and clocking in machine 7. All works will be planed and the objectives for the control of hours will be assessed when completed the site assessment, reductions will be made where possible to limit hours of the operatives working day. 8. Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Limited will ensure that they will be a relief staff due to illness or fatigue of other employees. 9. The following working time limits will be followed to ensure the working limits are not exceeded: - 3. the type of work performed and work environment; 4. workload, length of the shift and previous shifts worked; 5. the time of day or night worked; 6. the time taken to travel to and from work; 7. circadian rhythms; 8. consumption of alcohol; b. All hours are given to management to approve c. Sickness/absence trends will be assessed monthly d. Retention of the above will be for a period of 6 years.

Fatigue Policy: 24-06-24 Registered Office: Unit 2A Longrock Industrial Estate, Penzance, Cornwall. TR20 8HX Company Reg. No. 04124350 VAT Reg. No. 684598666 UTR No. 24386 09541

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