Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures

If working on domestic or healthcare premises where a person or persons are self-isolating or shielding It is prohibited to enter the building or come within 2.0m of them. It is advisable to notify the household or healthcare providers of the work taking place and to enquire if anyone is self- isolating or shielding prior to attending site. Travelling from home you should: • Use your own transport and only share with others from your household or with the same person every day. Not with groups of people. • Do not use public transport • Cycle or walk to work • Ensure you maintain social distancing and hygiene advice. Travelling to and from site - If operatives cannot travel alone. • Journeys should be shared with the same individuals each day and with the minimum number of people at any one time. Please always avoid touching your face. • Good ventilation (i.e. keeping the windows open) and facing away from each other may help to reduce the risk of transmission. • The vehicle (including private vehicles) should be cleaned regularly using gloves and standard cleaning products, with particular importance on handles and other areas where passengers may touch surfaces. • On leaving the vehicle, all occupants should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if washing facilities are not immediately available. When workers arrive home after work, they should change and wash before having any close contact with members of their household. Also, you must wash your clothes before coming to work the next day. We would like to remind you that the government has removed restrictions of Covid19 and that we are keeping in place the requirements to isolate for a maximum period of 10 days following a positive test or return to work after 5 days and following a negative test. Risk Assessment We have outlined additional risks within our risk assessments. Please view the changes when you have received all the new revised risk assessments. Below are some of the additional items.

Covid19 – Will be amended to Pandemic. ========= How and who could be injured? Our operatives may be infected by the virus. What is the level of risk before the control measures? = MEDIUM

The control measures are: - We will assess each task using the hierarchy of control- Eliminate - keep to the 2m social distancing, using Ginny Wheels; Reduce - minimise by having reduced numbers working on site, work Side by side, and hand washing / ventilation;, Isolate - keep the working gang together in the same vehicles; Control - keep monitoring and reviewing the systems of work; PPE - ensuring emergency PPE and washing facilities are available in the vehicles and Behaviours - training and toolbox talks given. Level of risk AFTER the control Measures? = LOW Is there any further action required? = NO

Reporting of Injuries

Pandemic Policy: V5 24-06-24

Registered Office: Unit 2A Longrock Industrial Estate, Penzance, Cornwall. TR20 8HX Company Reg. No. 04124350 VAT Reg. No. 684598666 UTR No. 24386 09541

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