Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures
PANDEMIC POLICY – TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH NEW GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE AT THE TIME. Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to all members of staff who are involved in scaffolding operations during a pandemic. During this policy it will outline each element that will be implemented to reduce and control the spread of the virus. What is a Pandemic ? A pandemic is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time. An example of this is COVID-19 which is a respiratory virus which is primarily spread through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes and can be spread easily from person to person. The key measures introduced to control the spread of the virus are to maintain a distance of at least 2.0m (6'-6") between individuals and strict measures for cleaning and hygiene. Control Measures If you or any work colleague are displaying any potential coronavirus symptoms; OR, If you have any concerns about the welfare facilities or the work environment (site) regarding measures to protect workers from coronavirus (e.g. social distancing, cleaning and hygiene regimes) then you should… • STOP work • REMOVE yourself to a position of safety • REPORT immediately to your supervisor or manager (ideally by telephone) 1. Social Distancing. Social distancing rules are a series of measures, set by the UK Government A key safeguard included within the social distancing rules is • to maintain a distance of at least 2.0m (6'-6") from other people where possible . This has been adopted as a fundamental protective measure. • Where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines, we will consider whether that scaffold needs to continue for the site to continue to operate, and, if so, we will mitigate the risk as much as possible to reduce the risk of transmission. These may include: - • Minimising the frequency and time people are working within 2.0m of each other. • Minimising the number of workers involved doing each task. • Workers being positioned side by side or facing away from each other, rather than face-to-face. Shielding This is what the government has asked people to do if they are clinically extremely vulnerable. Clinically extremely vulnerable people may include the following people. Disease severity, history or treatment levels will also affect who is in the group. 1. Solid organ transplant recipients. 2. People with specific cancers: • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy • people with lung cancer who are undergoing radical radiotherapy 2. Self-isolating and Shielding The key measures introduced to control the spread of the virus are: • to maintain a distance of at least 2.0m (6'-6") between individuals • and strict measures for cleaning and hygiene.
Pandemic Policy: V5 24-06-24
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