Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures
This policy is guidance for Safe Working Practice The aims of this guidance are to: 1. Help all staff establish safe and responsive learning environments which safeguard the workforce; 2. Reduce the risk of employees working in unsafe conditions; 3. Ensure that all staff is aware of appropriate and inappropriate conduct and practice; 4. Employees will not be discriminated against by raising such issues; 5. If an issue is raised by an employee, sub-contractor or member of the public these will be recorded in the main office by Lynn Way who will communicate to the senior managers; 6. If additional measures need to be addressed these will be raised in the next available tool box talk;
Mr C J Sedgeman Managing Director
This is a controlled document Safe System of Work Policy: 24-06-24 Registered Office: Unit 2A Longrock Industrial Estate, Penzance, Cornwall. TR20 8HX Company Reg. No. 04124350 VAT Reg. No. 684598666 UTR No. 24386 09541
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