Staff Handbook - Policies and Procedures
5. You must not create or forward or link to any social media content which is abusive, obscene, discriminatory, harassing, derogatory or defamatory in relation to other staff that you may communicate with personally on social media during or after your employment. 6. Any member of staff who believes they have been harassed or bullied while using social media by other members of staff or former members of staff should report it by contacting Lynn Way, Company Secretary & Financial Director. 7. No social media content can be created or updated on any work computer or work mobile telephone or, on our premises, on our network or, by using our network including our wireless network for access to the internet, with the exception of any social media content in relation to our business/organisation which you may be asked to create as part of your employment and which is authorised and approved by your line manager. 8. Use of personal social media, personal mobile telephones or other devices to access, create or update content on social media while at work should be restricted to outside your normal working hours or during authorised breaks. Any breach of this policy will be treated as a breach of confidentiality and as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary proceedings. In the most serious of cases, it could result in dismissal. These rules are incorporated in and form part of your contract of employment. Signed
Mr C J Sedgeman, Managing Director
E-mail and Internet Policy: 24-06-24 Registered Office: Unit 2A Longrock Industrial Estate, Penzance, Cornwall. TR20 8HX Company Reg. No. 04124350 VAT Reg. No. 684598666 UTR No. 24386 09541
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